Larry Keating to speak at CI’s Managing Risk in Cybersecurity conference

Toronto, October 15 2014
InterContinental Yorkville, Toronto, Ontario

Larry Keating

Preventing the financial and reputational perils associated with cybersecurity can seem overwhelming to the many executives who share responsibility for maintaining an organization’s defences. Whether you’re a board member, senior executive, risk manager, in-house counsel, HR executive or internal auditor, there’s an urgent need to understand how to prevent breaches, and what to do when they occur.

The Canadian Institute’s Cybersecurity Risk Management conference is specifically designed to lay out best practices for the non-IT members of the team, without resorting to impenetrable technical jargon.

The program takes an interdisciplinary approach, reflecting the many facets of cyber security. Topics include insurance options, guidelines for contracting with outside suppliers, understanding the regulatory framework, current trends and issues in litigation, and best practices for internal policies on such things as social media and use of employee devices.

Managing Risk in CyberSecurity Conference

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