NPC News
NPC CEO Participates as Technology Update Panelist at the CAILBA 2017 National Conference

June 8, 2017

The Canadian Association of Independent Life Brokerages Agencies held their 2017 National Conference and AGM on June 8th in Niagara-on-the-Lake, where Larry Keating was a panelist on the Technology Update session. The session was moderated by Eric Wachtel, Compliance Officer at IDC Worldsource, who has sought out a panelist of technology experts to explain how innovative technology can improve business and more importantly how to safeguard businesses that are now so heavily dependent on technology.

As a cybersecurity expert, Larry Keating opened the discussion of how cybersecurity is a concern to the insurance industry, in terms of securing, storing, and transferring data such as PII (personal identifiable information). He also provided an update on the pending federal mandatory reporting requirements for loss of client data, as well as recent cyberattacks like the WannaCry ransomware.

The Canadian Association of Independent Life Brokerage Agencies (CAILBA) has been organized by agencies who understand that some things which must be done to protect and improve the place of life brokerage agencies in the socio-economic system, must be done collectively. For more information, please visit

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