March 3 2017
On February 27th 2017 Larry Keating, President and CEO, NPC DataGuard, participated as a moderator in the Canadian Security Administrators (CSA) first Cyber Security Roundtable. Mr. Keating was selected along with other industry experts to bring valuable industry insights and thought leadership to the program.
“The CSA is to be commended for this forward-thinking exercise that takes a proactive and informed approach to cyber attack response and remediation for the financial services sector. The sector was well represented from a cross-section of market participants, regulators and law enforcement, and the attack scenarios explored were complex, detailed, and plausible. The result was a series of valuable observations and takeaways for the participants.” stated Mr. Keating.
The CSA’s Cyber Security Roundtable was announced on November 17, 2016, and followed the CSA Staff Notice 11-332 Cyber Security that identifies key cyber concerns and recommendations to the sector.
About NPC DataGuard
NPC, based in Markham, Ontario, specializes in secure computing solutions for business professionals. NPC's unique, industry-first solution alleviates data loss, breach and business interruptions in an expert, data centre managed solution. The company is part of the Keating Group of Companies which includes Canada's leading branch-outsourcing service to the high-technology industry, Keating Technologies, providing award-winning sales and call centre services for more than 25 years. For further information, visit