NPC News
Larry Keating to Speak at AI Summit at National Press Club in Washington D.C.

May 8, 2024

2024 AI Summit in Washington D.C.

Larry Keating, founder and President of NPC DataGuard and founder and CEO of Keating Technologies, has been invited to speak at the 2024 AI Summit for Financial Investigators in Public Sector from May 15-16, 2024.

Hosted at the historic National Press Club in Washinton D.C., the two-day conference will delve into the role of artificial intelligence in financial investigations, discuss new tools, forensic accounting automation, data analysis, practical applications, and regulatory compliance. Illicit use of AI tools and increased cyber threat will also be discussed.

Kathryn Tomasofsky, Executive Director of the Money Services Business Association (MSBA), will moderate Larry alongside John Walsh, CEO of SightSpan Inc, a leading risk management and security program management company for financial services.

"The goal is to educate public sector investigators on the power of AI to enable and improve investigations, the increased threat it poses in the hands of threat actors, and the critical need for balanced regulatory oversight that does not hinder innovation," stated Larry.

Other event speakers include Aneesh Chopra, former Chief Technology Officer of the United States of America and President of CareJourney; Jason Wild, consultant and former Vice President of CEO Co-Innovation and Customer Engagement, Microsoft; John Casteel, Associate Director Digital Forensics Investigative Technology and Support, IRS Criminal Investigations; Benjamin Teed, Special Agent and Unit Chief, Homeland Security Investigations; Patricia Delafuente, Senior Data Scientist, NVIDIA Public Sector; and other esteemed professionals.

This event will bring together government and industry leaders to discuss topics that will help shape investigation techniques and thinking using advanced AI technology for financial investigations and AI regulation. For more information, visit


About NPC DataGuard
NPC DataGuard, a division of Compugen Inc, specializes in secure managed computing. NPC's industry-first security offering that integrates hardware, software, advanced security, and technical support into one solution that is simple to buy and easy to use has alleviated data loss, breach, and business interruption for thousands of professionals and businesses. Compugen employs more than 1,850 staff from offices in Canada and the U.S. For more information, visit

About Keating Technologies
Since 1987 Keating Technologies has been Canada’s leading branch outsourcing service to the high-technology industry and a three-time winner of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies award. The company has been responsible for bringing more than $2 billion in technology products and services to Canadian businesses and consumers. For more information, visit

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