NPC News
Larry Keating to speak at the Annual IIAC Cybersecurity Conference on June 14th

June 2nd 2016

Larry Keating will be the lead-off guest speaker for the 2016 IIAC Cybersecurity Conference on June 14. The conference will feature a number of cybersecurity experts discussing cybersecurity in financial services to help organizations protect their firm and clients against the evolving and pervasive cyber threat. Some of the highlights of the conference include current cybersecurity threats, how to work cybersecurity into your business model and how to surviving a data breach. Mr. Keating will present tips to identify several threats, as well as protection strategies to prevent a business from falling victim.

"The IIAC has taken a proactive and thought-leadership approach to raise cybersecurity awareness among its members, and indeed all financial service organizations in Canada. Their identification of the key issues and educational approach is impressive, as the threat continues to increase and put Canadians at risk" stated Mr. Keating.

Registration for this event is still available, for more information click here.

  • Cyber Threats 2016 – Ransomware, Phishing Scams and the Increasing Risk for Financial Services
  • Legal, Privacy and Other Liability Considerations – Before, During and After a Breach
  • Comparing the U.S. vs. Canadian Cyber Regulatory Framework – Application of the US Experience to the Canadian Context
  • How to Survive a Data Breach
  • Engaging and Evaluating Vendors - Due Diligence and Other Considerations
  • Practical Risk Management – Cybersecurity Insurance Perspective

Event Details
Date: June 14th 2016
Time: 7:45am - 5:45pm
Address: St. Andrew's Club and Conference Centre, 150 King Street West, 16th Floor (Garden Suite), Toronto

About NPC
NPC, based in Markham, Ontario, specializes in secure mobile computing solutions for small business professionals. NPC's unique, industry-first solution alleviates data loss, breach and business interruptions in an expert, data centre managed solution that is simple to buy and easy to use. The company is part of the Keating Group of Companies which includes Canada's leading branch-outsourcing service to the high-technology industry, Keating Technologies, providing award-winning sales and call centre services for more than 21 years. For further information, please visit

About IIAC
The Investment Industry Association of Canada (IIAC) is the national association representing the investment industry’s position on securities regulation, public policy and industry issues on behalf of our 144 IIROC-regulated investment dealer member firms in the Canadian securities industry. These dealer firms are the key intermediaries in Canadian capital markets, accounting for the vast majority of financial advisory services, securities trading and underwriting in public and private markets for governments and corporations. The IIAC provides leadership for the Canadian securities industry with a commitment to a vibrant, prosperous investment industry driven by strong and efficient capital markets. For more information, please visit

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