September 25th 2014
In the wake of their credit card breach, Home Depot is offering it's customers free identity protection for 12 months. We signed up, and found the end product to be useful, but the signup process unclear. We've posted this to help Canadians get the free 12 months of identity protection.
Here's how to sign up:
Step 1 of 7
Call 1-866-205-0679, speak with a representative, and write down the Redemption Code number you are given.
Note: Dial 1-866-466-9577 for French language service.
Step 2 of 7
Go to to http://www.consumer.equifax.ca and click "Get Started" at the bottom of the page.
Step 3 of 7
Here's where it gets a little confusing. Just enter your name and address information, and leave the credit card area blank. Also disregard the 'Total: $19.95 / month' on the right.
Step 4 of 7
Enter and confirm your email address, choose a unique username and password. Again, disregard the credit and payment areas.
NOTE: the field labelled "Promotion code" is where you enter the "Redemption code" you were given over the phone.
Step 5 of 7
Verify your identity by answering the six multiple choice questions regarding your credit products.
Step 6 of 7
Leave everything on this page blank and just click 'Submit Order' to continue.
Step 7 of 7
This is your confirmation page. Click 'View My Product' to check your credit score and see if you have any credit alerts.
That's it. Keep in mind that you did not enter your credit card number, so while you won't be charged throughout the 12 months of free service, the service will not automatically renew either. You may way to put a reminder in your calendar to check in on before this date next year.